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Pub Quiz Night Dates Confirmed

Hello All,

It has been sometime since my last post, but it’s time now like no other to get people talking about the quiz night we are organising to raise money for First Touch.

All the details have now been confirmed and it comes with great pleasure to announce the following:

Date: 6th April ’11

Location: Kings Head, 84 Upper Tooting Road, London, SW17 7PB

Time: 19:00 for a 19:30 start.

Cost: £2.00 per person or £10.00 per team (up to 5 persons per team)

The quiz will be held by our very own quiz master “Dion Marshall” who will be putting you through your paces. So if you fancy a good night out and testing your knowledge all to raise money for charity then meet us there.


We will also be having an auction of a couple of donated bits such as mixed cases of wine, autographed football kit and ball (from QPR Football Club)

Anyone interested in entering whether be it individually or as a team please email me numbers prior to ensure we have enough seating on the night.

A5 – Quiz Night Poster

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