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Thanks for taking part

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone that took part and cycled from Tooting to Eastbourne (60miles) on the 7th May ’11.

Warwick, Mark, Ben, Kev, Phil, Stuart, Michael, Eamon, Ian formed the team of 9 that ended up cycling the complete ride on the day. I would also like to put out a special thanks to Bonnie who set aside her full day to drive down to Eastbourne as a support vehicle carrying spare water, repair kits, backpacks and snacks. Bonnie we could not have done it without you.

The end of the ride could not have come sooner, all with aching bones and exhausted muscles we reached Eastbourne DGH where our very trustworthy van was there to collect the bikes. Thanks to team at Lets Move London for offering us the van for the day.


London 2 Brighton

Date: Sunday 19th June 2011

Riding: Warwick Sleigh, Mark Whittingham, Paul Holmes, Richard Oswald… TBC

Anyone else that would like to ride along and help us raise even more money for First Touch please get in contact.

Thanks again

Cycle Safe


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