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What To Prepare Before The Cycle Ride

Good afternoon all,

Just a couple of points to note before the Eastbourne ride.

We will be meeting at St Georges Hospital in Tooting outside the main enterance (next to M&S) at 10:00 on Saturday morning (7th May’11) and we will set off at 10:30 Please do not be late.

We have a route that we will be following and a refreshment stop after about 30miles just outside East Grinsted in a small village called Wych Cross.

Michael Craven’s wife (Bonnie) has kindly offered to join us on route as a support vehicle and will have onboard some water for top ups.

That said it is asked that all cyclists ride with 1-2 bottles and arrive with liquids to start the ride as well as any snacks, bars and or energy bit that you may want or need to see you through the ride.

For the return we have arranged a van to bring the bikes back to the Big Yellow in Wandsworth where you will need to pick up the bikes from. For cyclists to travel back you will need to purchase you own train ticket (the Eastbourne – Ldn Victoria depart about every 30min) ticket prices from the station on the day cost £14.90- Super off peak day single.

Anyone that has not returned their disclaimers please return to as a matter of urgency.

Should anyone have any questions please call me on 078 4113 0379 or email me on the address above.



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