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London 2 Paris – Training Begins

Hi All,

Finally all is confirmed and paid for, my place on the London 2 Paris – 2012 cycle ride has been confirmed. So the next things to be looking at is “DIET” and “TRAINING” I have found several sources and have put together a simple beginners traing plan for the first month.

This plan does not need to run in line with a calender month as long as you stay focused and comitted to achieveing your goals.

My Beginner’s Training Plan will help novices training up for their first big ride as well as more advanced cyclists stepping up their training into a new year (the idea is little and often in the beginning, get used to time in the saddle NOT hours just yet.)

This training plan is only a guideline and should be used in on top of any of your normal daily commuting.

Other things to be considering before any training and or long ride is your nutritional intake, in the next month I’ll be uploading  a few sugestions but to get you started you should be looking at things like  fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grain breads, rice and pasta all of which are high in carbohydrates, white meats and lean proteins with little fat are ideally suitable but you should try to avoid “red meats”

Here  are two sample plans for you to try.

High Carb Meal Plan #1 ;

High Carb Meal Plan #2

In the meantime if you have any questions, please ask, you can also follow us on facebook and twitter for more frequent updates.

Smile, Have Fun &

Cycle Safe


3 comments to London 2 Paris – Training Begins

  • Hey Warwick! This is great and will be looking forward to your updates on this blog along the way. I have a pretty strict workout plan I have made for myself but sometimes I wander if I am doing enough in terms of getting ready. Currently I am following the training cycle from Skyline Events, manage to get 2 days of cycling training and 3 days of activity with my PT. But I have yet to start cycling on Weekends! Cheers for this either way!

    • Cheers Adrien,

      It’s still early days and you don’t want to over do yourself too early, as you need to work towards a peak and not want to hit this point too early.

      Keep an eye out for the next post as it might be of more relivance as it will incorporate longer ride averages from 1.5hr (20-25miles) and weekend rides of up to 4 hrs (50-60miles) which is what you’d want to be looking at as we get closer to June’12