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London 2 Paris 2012

London Paris 2012.

Setting off for the London 2 Paris cycle ride organised by Skyline Tours had us all prepared to depart Crystal Palace sports grounds in London  on the  13th June and cycling through to Paris over a 4 day period arriving under the Eifel Tower on the 17th June. Along with +130 other cyclist all raising money for their own dedicated charities I set off raising money for First Touch – Supporting Sick and Premature Babies born at St Georges Hospital in Tooting.

Day 1: We all met at 07:00 on the day where we were given a briefing on the days ride plan and provided a course map, details on water and lunch stops and most inportantly the time we must arrive in Dover to meet the ferry. We traveled south east out of london and into the Kent countryside and down to Dover, the ferry took us over to Calais where we had a further ride to Coquelles totaling 115miles in the first day. Settling into the Hotel Ibis on the first night for a well deserved rest.

Day 2: Waking early for breakfast around 06:00 and setting off at 07:30 cycling 23 miles before the fist water stop outside Courset, lunch was at 55 miles in Maintenay Village, Afternoon water stop at 63 miles in Macheville Village and completing day two on 76 miles in Abbeville, again spending the night in the local Hotel Ibis

Day 3: Another early morning setting off at 08:00 today to be the most challenging when it comes to hill climbs and rolling undulations, the first water stop came at Selincour Village 21 miles in and after an intence 2.5 mile climb through Avesnes Chaussoy to Aumont before the village. Lunch followed a short distance later at 38 miles on the Sarcus Village Green next to the church we we all enjoyed great views and a well deserved meal to top up on carbs and calories that had been burnt on the hills. The afternoon water stop came after 55 miles which unfortunately as the group we were cycling with was ahead of schedule the organiseres had not yet set up the stop so we opted to take on the final 12 miles with no break. We  completed the day with 67 miles under the belt and checked into the Hotel Kyriad in Beauvais dinner and bed.

Day 4: The final day we set off from Beauvais destination Paris the first water stop was at 22 miles at Vallangoujard Village, a short ride through to lunch at 38 miles at Quai de la Marina Prolongue on the banks of the River Sein, from her we set off for the final holding point where we waited for the entire group to catch up the final five miles we enjoyed a rolling road closure cycling under the chantelisefinishing underneath the Eifel Tower.

My compliments go to the organisers and tour support staff, from the mechanics, medics/ physio, catering staff, course/ route organisers and support vehicle (known as the Love Bus) without all of your help and support the journy would not be as memorable.

We are continuously raising money for First Touch and if you would like to support us please visit or

Until next time cycle safe.


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