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New Years Resolution 2012

Well into the New Year and welcome 2012, it is now that everyone will be setting their new year’s resolutions of which 60% will have failed by the end of February ’12.

If like myself you too have already completed the challenges of giving up smoking, drinking and the excessive use of bad language, then try something much the same but very different.

With the thought of the up and coming London Olympics I have decided to keep my resolution simple…

In December ’11 I turned 30. Young some may say but it is a fact that this is the time in our lives that will determine a large proportion of your medical health in the years that follow.

This year my resolution is: “To Keep Fit and Stay Healthy” and to start this off I signed up this week for the London 2 Paris bike ride. The event is due to start on the 13th June ’12 and run through till the 17th June ’12.

Stay connected for more information about the Paris ride and if it is something you would be interested in the please contact me.

Take Care

Cycle Safe



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