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FAQs for a Long Ride

Warwick and Mark posing in lycraWith any luck, you will have all done a long ride by now and have likely received your First Touch/Cycle 2 Save Lives kits. No doubt you have some questions such as:

So, why do we need a “sports” kit? Wouldn’t it have been easier to get a regular t-shirt printed up?

Well maybe, but the technical fabrics that make up the kits have several advantages. The thin materials are very breathable and let plenty of air get to your skin. They stretch and mould to your body in such a way as to absorb as much sweat away from your skin as possible. A wicking action means that the sweat doesn’t just sit in one small patch; it spreads out to allow better evaporation.

Why do the shorts have these kind of “dungaree” type attachments?

The alternative is an elasticated waist to keep them up. Over long distances that can rub and ride up or down and get uncomfortable.

And comfort must be why they have this maxi-pad thing in them then?

Actually no, the chamois is more to absorb sweat from the place it collects the most; the bit where you body meets the bike. This pad wicks away sweat so you are not sitting in a puddle of moisture. If you are after bottom padding, the best place to start is with a good seat. Remember that the kits is supposed to be like a second skin. Don’t wear underwear underneath it or it will rub!

I have a keg rather than a six pack. Will I look terrible in skin tight lycra?

You won’t be the only one I can assure you, there is a fine mix of people coming on the Eastbourne ride. Most people will only see a blur of turquoise go by. Remember, the faster we go, the less people will see you! It’s all for a good cause!

We are seriously getting close to the ride now and I want to make sure you are all prepared. I would hope you all have at least one bottle cage mount. If you have two then make sure you have two cages and two 750ml cycling bottles. Do not cheap out and get horrible ones from the pound shop as they tend to have badly formed and sharp spouts. You can get some cheap Raleigh one from amazon and they come in a variety of colours to match your bike. Warwick also has some cages if you would like to get them direct from him. He will also be bringing a tub of energy drink powder to add to one or both of your bottles. I prefer to have one flavoured and one with just dextrose/electrolytes that doesn’t have any flavour. If you only have one mount then we will have to stop to pick up more water, which is fine if only a few of us have to. If ten people have to stop to go to the shops then we will be doing this forever. If you don’t have any bottle cage mounts then you may be in trouble!

Make sure you bring enough nutrition with you as well. A good supply of mixed nuts and dried fruit will see you through the first bit. Bananas are the way to go in the middle then onto energy bars and dextro tablets towards the end. Boots own brand tablets taste much the same as the Lucozade ones and do the same job. Haribo is also allowed. This isn’t a pro race so if you want to bring ham sandwiches along for snacking, then that’s fine. There is enough room in the kits for a chicken and mushroom slice, 2 mars bars and a banana and anything else you want to bring along.

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