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6 Reasons – Why it’s best to Cycle in the City

6 Reasons why to choose cycling over other modes of transport:

1) Cycling is fun.

From childhood we all have memories of our first bike, learning to ride without stabalisers and even our first accident, yet the enjoyment we get from cycling ensures we keep getting back on our lifelong favourate toy

2) See our world from a differant view.

We live on a beautifull plannet and by saddling up you’ll be able to witness life from a differant more peacefull angle

3) Cycling is healthy.

Riding a bike offers many health benefits. Here are just a few:

  • increased cardiovascular fitness
  • increased strength
  • increased balance and flexibility
  • increased endurance and stamina
  • increased calories burned

Cycling is an activity that can be done by people of all ages, from children right the way through the adult years when achy joints don’t allow for more stressful exercise like jogging.

4) Cycling is economical.

Living in a big city commuting is a massive part of day to day life and the costs of traveling by public transport not to mention a motor viechle with insurance MOT’s parking and the rising costs of fuels which all makes cycling a far more cost effective.

5) Convenience.

There is an undeniable convenience you’ll discover when riding a bike. Priority parking spaces no traffic jams and in most large cities now the councils are putting in cycle lanes making cycling faster and safer during the more conjested hours of the day.

6) Cycling is environmentally friendly.

With the changes in our climate and this being largely due to the increased carbon emmissions in the enviroment cycling not only being health for ourselves but also for our surroundings.

The world consumption of oil has now increased to 3.2 billion tons resulting in 10 billion tons of CO2 produced every year from oil alone making cycling 100% GREEN

Well I suppose what I’m trying to say is whether you dicide cycling is best for you for the reasons of the enviroment around us, cost, enjoyment or for the health aspect which ever you choose you can rest assurered that with the first bicycle dating back to the 1800’s there will be many more years of enjoyment that we will all have on the bicycle


Until next time

Cycle Safe


PS: Make sure you have purchased all your winter gear from Chain Reaction (Lights & High Vis equipment)



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